Data Visualization

General Comments

Making accurate and compelling data visualizations is perhaps the most important part of preparing a manuscript or presentation. If the data is not clear or engaging, then your results will not receive the attention they deserve. Admittedly, making high-quality data visualizations is both a bit of a science and a bit of an artform, but we will generally work together to make sure your work shines! In general, learning to make clear and effective data visualizations will be something you learn and refine over the course of your PhD. Much of this will be a process of trial and error — so don't worry if you're asked to adjust your figure!


If you are looking for some useful reading, check out the free e-book " Fundamentals of Data Visualization " by Claus Wilke. There are also many excellent Python examples on  The Python Graph Gallery  and  Python Charts  websites. For what not to do, check out the " Friends Don't Let Friends Make Bad Graphs " repository.