Undergraduate Research


The expectations and logistics for undergraduate research are a bit different than those of other members in the group. Some of these differences are outlined in this document.


Undergraduate researchers are not permitted to work in the lab on a purely volunteer (i.e. uncompensated) basis, per department policy. All undergraduates working in the group must either be enrolled in a course for credit or be paid, generally via one of Princeton's internship/fellowship programs or hired as an employee on an hourly basis. Undergraduates are not permitted to work in another research group at the same time as being in the Rosen Group.
It is also expected, although not strictly required, that undergraduate students plan to pursue research in the group for at least two semesters if all goes well. It is difficult to complete an entire research project in the course of a single semester, especially when taking classes. Of course, if you find that you're not enjoying the research after the first semester, there is no obligation to continue.

Course Credit

During the academic year, the most common scenario is to be enrolled for course credit. Generally, this means being enrolled in an independent work or senior thesis course. For CBE students, that is typically the following:
  • CBE 351/CBE 352 (independent work)
  • CBE 454 (senior thesis)
The above courses can only be taken by CBE students. There are similar courses available in other departments at Princeton as well, such as ECE 297/298/397/398/497/498 for ECE students.
For independent work or senior thesis, a small amount of funding can be secured through  initiatives  led by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Applying for such resources is recommended but not required.

Summer Research Funding

It is not possible to pursue course credit over the summer. Instead, undergraduates working in the group over the summer must be paid for their time in the group. The ideal mechanism for this is via one of the several research internship or fellowship programs offered by the university, such as:
  • Stoll Fellowship (CBE students only)
  •            Andlinger Center           
  •       HMEI      
  •  OURSIP 
For additional opportunities, refer to the  Student Activities Funding Engine  (SAFE).
Plan ahead, as applications for summer research opportunities often have deadlines in the winter.
On rare occasions, there is the possibility to be paid as an employee working on an hourly basis in the group if other options are not viable.


All undergraduate students in the group are expected to give one presentation per semester providing an update on their work. Before leaving the group, students are expected to provide a writeup of their findings, back up all results, and provide ample documentation such that others in the group can easily reproduce the work. The precise details will depend on the independent study course that you are enrolled in.


The grading rubric for CBE 351/352 is included below.

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