Output Files

The official  py4vasp  Python package can be used to automatically parse most VASP output parameters.  Pymatgen  also has several utilities for VASP output parsing.



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The primary output file in VASP is called the OUTCAR file. There is a ton of info in it. Here are the most important things:
 Iteration : This line specifies the iteration of the geometry optimization procedure and the SCF loop for that given geometry. A value of  Iteration      4(   2)  would indicate "geometry step 4, SCF iteration 2."
 energy(sigma->0) : The value following this line is the current iteration's energy. The unit is eV.
 magnetization (x) : If  LORBIT  is set to >= 11, the atom-wise spin moments are printed in this table, each in units of Bohr-magnetons.


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Download  grad2  and add the file to your  PATH 
In the command-line, run  which python 
Paste the printed Python path at the top of the file.
Ensure the two files are executable by running chmod +x grad2 
When you want to monitor a calculation, run  grad2 OUTCAR  from the command-line in any directory containing the  OUTCAR  you want to monitor.

The output looks like the following:
1 Energy: -725.474813 Log|dE|: 2.861 SCF: 12 Avg|F|: 0.146 Max|F|: 0.247 Vol.: 4326.3 Time: 0.23m
2 Energy: -725.349355 Log|dE|: -0.902 SCF: 12 Avg|F|: 0.522 Max|F|: 1.010 Vol.: 4394.4 Time: 0.23m
3 Energy: -725.532040 Log|dE|: -0.738 SCF: 15 Avg|F|: 0.123 Max|F|: 0.218 Vol.: 4350.6 Time: 0.31m
4 Energy: -725.559079 Log|dE|: -1.568 SCF: 12 Avg|F|: 0.182 Max|F|: 0.389 Vol.: 4396.4 Time: 0.23m
5 Energy: -725.570525 Log|dE|: -1.941 SCF: 10 Avg|F|: 0.115 Max|F|: 0.226 Vol.: 4380.1 Time: 0.19m

A more structured output can be found in  vasprun.xml  and  vaspout.h5  (if VASP is configured to support it).


The  CONTCAR  file is formatted identically as the  POSCAR  file but contains the most recent set of atomic positions and cell parameters. When restarting a calculation, you can copy the  mv CONTCAR POSCAR  to continue the geometry optimization process.

Volumetric Files

 CHGCAR : If  LCHARG = .TRUE. , the charge density will be written out in this file.
 WAVECAR : If  LWAVE = .TRUE. , the wavefunction will be written out in this file. This is particularly useful when restarting calculations, as they will automatically read this file.

Other Files

 DOSCAR : Data about the density of states.
 EIGENVAL : Data about the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues.
 OSZICAR : Contains data for each SCF iteration. Useful for identifying SCF convergence issues.