There is no GUI on the cluster itself. To view the outputs below, either run the copy the necessary files to your local machine and run the commands there or follow the Princeton Research Computing instructions for using GUI applications on the cluster.
To view an optimization trajectory (structure, energy, and forces vs. geometry step) using ASE:
from import read
from ase.visualize import view
atoms = read("OUTCAR", index=":")
Alternatively, from the command-line on your local machine or a visualization node:
ase gui OUTCAR
Final Structure
The easiest option is to simply click-and-drag the structure into VESTA!
To view the final structure via Python using ASE:
from importread
from ase.visualize import view
atoms = read("CONTCAR")
Alternatively, from the command-line:
ase gui CONTCAR
Charge Density
Click-and-drag the CHGCAR into VESTA. That's it!
Density of States
Using sumo, run sumo-dosplot in a folder containing the vasprun.xml.
Alternatively, in Pymatgen, do the following:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import Vasprun
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.plotter import DosPlotter