Pre-Requisite Tools

VS Code for Text Editing

In general, I strongly recommend using  VS Code  for your programming and text editing needs. One of the particularly nice benefits of using VS Code is that it allows you to edit and run Jupyter Notebooks from the editor itself. Trust me; there is no better option than VS Code!

I also recommend the following VS Code extensions:
  •  Python : extensions for Python
  •  Jupyter : Support for Jupyter Notebooks
  •  Remote - SSH : Use VS code on remote machines
  •  WSL  (if you're on Windows): WSL interface
  •  GitHub Copilot : AI code development assistant. Students get free access.
  •  Ruff : Python code formatting

Linux on Windows

If the codes you are trying to run or develop rely on Linux but you are on Windows, you should install the  Windows Subsystem for Linux , which allows you to run Ubuntu from within Windows itself. You can run VS Code from Ubuntu on Windows using the WSL extension to make the process seamless. To travel to the Windows filesystem from Ubuntu, simply cd to /mnt/c/Users/....